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907 g Dry Black Beans
500 g Carne Seca Lead Foods
300 g Paio Sausage Lead Foods
300 g Smoked Calabresa Sausage Lead Foods
1 large Onion chopped
5 Bay leaves
1 tea spoon Cumin
1 tea spoon Black Pepper
1) De-salt the Carne Seca by boiling for 20 minutes, or soaking it overnight in fresh water, repeating the soaking at least three times.
2) Soak the dry beans in lukewarm water for at least two hours. Drain before adding them to the pressure cooker.
3) In a pressure cooker, add the soaked beans, de-salted Carne Seca, sausages (sliced), the onion, and Bay leaves, and cover everything with fresh water by two inches.
4) Close the pressure cookers, place the venting valve in closed position, then pressure cook in high pressure for 30 minutes.
5) After cooking time, release the pressure, open the lid, and bring the beans back to a boil.
6) Add the Cumin and Black pepper. Optionally, add a cup of white wine for a refined finishing.
7) Keep boiling until the broth reaches desired consistency (10-15 minutes).
Your Feijoada is ready. Serve it with White Rice, stir fried chopped Collard Greens and vinaigrette.
Bom apetite!